Women’s Group


This Group is is facilitated by Hedy Tan, and is designed to support the partners of sex addicts. Partners of sex addicts often assign too much time, attention and value to another person while neglecting to care for or value themselves. Focus on the partner is obsessive, and fear of abandonment drives the obsession.

During this 14 week process, participants will have the opportunity to begin healing the grief of relational betrayal. They will explore their relational templates, develop communication skills, establish boundaries, set goals, and move to places of personal empowerment.  We will incorporate the work of Stefanie Carnes, Claudia Black and Pia Mellody.

Meets every Wednesday 7:00 – 8:30 pm.

Please call 312-296-6300 to reserve your spot

$700 for each 14 week session – paid in full at registration.

Hedy Tan , CSAT, CADC, RET  facilitates this group. She has 20 years+ experience with individual, group, and couple’s coaching, as well as facilitating deep, experiential workshops.  She has been in private practice since 1987, and has consulted for ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, WGN-TV, Jenny Jones and TIME magazine  Hedy completed her CSAT at The Meadows Institute with Patrick Carnes, Ph.C., CAS, Post Induction Training with Pia Mellody, RN, CAC.;  RLT  with Terry Real, as well as a facilitator for the “We Came to Believe” couples workshop. Hedy and her partner, John, started the first Chicago Recovering Couples Anonymous Fellowship in 2003